Shraddha Arya is currently on vacation in the Maldives with her husband Rahul Nagal. Since Monday, the actress, who married Rahul last month, has been sharing some stunning as well as fun photos of herself from the beach destination. Shraddha Arya can be seen posing in a white bikini on a coping in her latest post, with a vast blue ocean in the background, making the photos even more captivating. Her husband can be seen “mocking” her poses in the final photo. “Swipe to the last photo to see how my adorable oddball husband mocks my poses!! #MarriageAfterLife, “In her caption, the actress wrote: ‘Swipe to the last photo to see how my cute weird husband mocks my poses !!! 🤣’
On November 17, Shraddha Arya and Rahul Nagal married. The actress announced her wedding on Instagram by posting photos from her wedding day with the caption “Just Married.”
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On November 17, Shraddha Arya and Rahul Nagal married. The actress announced her wedding on Instagram by posting photos from her wedding day with the caption “Just Married.”
In Hindi films, she appeared in Nishabd, alongside Amitabh Bachchan and late actress Jia Khan. She is also well-known for her appearances in television shows such as Main Lakshmi Tere Aangan Ki, Tumhari Paakhi, and Dream Girl.
The actress also appeared on Nach Baliye’s ninth season.