
World Science Day for Peace and Development 2021: Know the Importance

World Science Day for Peace and Development is an international day that is observed every year on November 10 to highlight the importance of science in society. It also emphasizes the importance of involving the general public in discussions about emerging scientific issues. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared World Science Day in 2001, and it was celebrated for the first time in 2002.

World Science Day for Peace and Development

The goal of World Science Day is to keep citizens informed about scientific advancements. It also emphasizes the importance of scientists in broadening our understanding of our planet’s remarkable fragility and making our societies more sustainable.

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Climate change is threatening the lives of billions of people as well as the planet. In such a case, this festival will emphasize the importance of ‘building climate-resilient communities’ in 2021.

The World Science Day for Peace and Development (WSDPD), established by UNESCO in 2001, has the following goals:

To raise public awareness about the importance of science in fostering a peaceful and sustainable society.

Encourage national and international cooperation in the field of shared science.

Renewing national and international commitment to the use of science for the benefit of society raises awareness of science’s challenges and mobilizes support for scientific endeavors.

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