
Why Russia and Ukraine are fighting- Know the Reasons

Why Russia and Ukraine are fighting: It is critical to understand what is at the heart of this controversy. Why have these provinces, which were once friends during the Soviet Union, become enemies after becoming two countries, and what is the current situation in these provinces? Know the entire subject in ten points.

why russia and ukraine are fighting
Image Credit: Encyclopedia Britannica

After several days of tensions and trepidation, Russia and Ukraine declared war on each other today. This war has resulted in a situation in Europe resembling a world war and a third world. If Russia has also announced that it will enter the field fully prepared, NATO can also enter the field under American leadership.

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Ukraine has responded with retaliatory strikes. In such a case, it is critical to understand the source of the controversy. Why have these provinces, which were once friends during the Soviet Union, become enemies after becoming two countries, and what is the current situation in these provinces? Know the entire subject in ten points.

Ukraine is bounded to the west by Europe and to the east by Russia. Ukraine was a part of the former Soviet Union until 1991.

Tensions between Russia and Ukraine erupted in November 2013, when Viktor Yanukovich, Ukraine’s then-President, began protesting in Kiev. While he had Russia’s support.

Yanukovich was forced to flee the country in February 2014 due to protests organized by US-UK allies.

Russia, enraged by this, annexed Crimea in southern Ukraine. Following that, he backed the separatists in the region. These separatists seized control of large swaths of eastern Ukraine.

Pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian forces have been fighting in the Donbass province since 2014.

Even before this, when Ukraine declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, there were numerous conflicts between the two countries over Crimea.

Following 2014, Western countries took the initiative to prevent ongoing tension and conflict in Russia and Ukraine and to restore peace. In 2015, France and Germany signed a peace and ceasefire agreement in Minsk, Belarus’s capital.

Ukraine has recently begun to develop close ties and friendship with NATO. Ukraine maintains cordial relations with NATO. NATO, or the “North Atlantic Treaty Organization,” was established in 1949 to deal with the then-Soviet Union. The proximity of Ukraine to NATO began to irritate Russia.

NATO is made up of 30 countries from around the world, including the United States and the United Kingdom. If a country attacks a third country, all NATO member countries band together to fight it. Russia does not want NATO to expand. Regarding this demand, President Putin was putting pressure on Ukraine and Western countries.

After all, Russia attacked Ukraine on Thursday, despite American and other countries’ sanctions. If NATO retaliates against Russia and other European countries join this war, the risk of a third world war increases.

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