
Julieta Nair Calvo revealed the baby’s gender in an emotional video

Julieta Nair Calvo resigned from The ShowMatch Academy in September of this year and revealed why: “One or a mini Juli is coming,” she told Marcelo Tinelli in front of the television cameras.

Julieta Nair Calvo

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Today, almost three months later, she revealed the gender of the unborn child. The actress went to an ultrasound with her entire family and used the opportunity to film the event and create an emotional video. She was accompanied by her partner, businessman Andrés Rolando, and when she saw his face for the first time, she couldn’t help but cry.

“We had one of the most magical experiences of our lives last night when we met the chick’s face with our family. It was wonderful to be able to share it with our loved ones and know that this memory will live on in our hearts for the rest of our lives. And I’d like to tell you something else: let’s go have a boy. “My heart of love for my magical chubby explodes,” he wrote on social media, alongside the music video for the song “River.” “, written by Leon Bridges.

Julieta Nair Calvo and Andrés Rolando started dating at the end of 2018, and now, three years later, they are excited for the arrival of their first child for both of them.

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