What is CIF number and why it’s important

What is CIF number and how do know it? And why knowing the CIF number is important for you. Let’s find out. Before describing in detail let me tell you that if you have two accounts in any PSU bank with different addresses (one permanent and the other with the …

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Why are firetrucks red painted

Fire trucks are mostly red, as we can see. What is the significance of the red paint on the fire truck? There is some scientific truth to this. so let us learn and find out why are firetrucks red painted. Also Read What are some of the most awesome psychological …

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Why are some very smart people so quiet? 7 reasons

Have you ever wondered Why are some very smart people so quiet and why they are so introverted? Are they proud because they are smart or they don’t want to talk to people whom they consider as less smart? Are quiet people smarter than others? Quiet people or those who …

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Why Karwa Chauth is celebrated!!

Are you aware of why Karwa Chauth is celebrated and what is its significance in Hindu culture? Karwa Chauth 2021 The Chaturthi date of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month begins at 03:01 a.m. on Sunday, October 24th, according to the Hindi Panchang. Chaturthi Tithi will end the following day, Monday, …

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Why communication is important in 2021

Why communication is important and what role it plays in our life. Should we take it seriously and how it is going to help you in your life. We communicate by talking with our friends and family. We convey our thoughts, ideas, and imagination through it and that is why …

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Why do dogs eat grass? Answered

Many times when I used to see a dog eating grass in childhood, I just scratch my head and wonder why do dogs eat grass. Even I have seen cats eating grass but that will be discussed in a separate post. Surely, on your daily walks with your dog, you’ve …

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