
On a radio program, Amanda Holden was extremely open about shower sex: “Wait a minute, I can’t believe I said that!”

Amanda Holden, well known as a jury member on ‘Britain’s Got Talent,’ was very casual during the morning broadcast of radio station ‘Heart.’

She and her co-host, Jamie Theakston, talked about how individuals behave in the shower. Looking at or away from the shower faucet, to be specific.

“I always turn around after a time,” Amanda explains. “So you begin by inspecting the side of the shower faucet?” Jamie is puzzled. “Well, simply for sex, well…” Amanda stumbles.

“I can’t believe I said that.”

“What you do in the shower is your prerogative.” “I just want to know which way you’re facing,” Jamie jokes. Amanda posted the amazing piece on her Instagram page.

In the video below, the ‘BGT’ judge writes, “I can’t believe I just said this live.” And what about her admirers? Almost everyone is laughing. “You’re so funny,” it says a few times. Watch the video below.

A few days back Amanda Holden’s partner Ashley Roberts shared a pre-Chritsmas celebration featuring both.

Read- Amanda Torchia: Miss Connecticut 2021 and Miss USA 2021 Contestant

Ashley Roberts also shared her bikini images and she is in a celebration mood.

Read- Olivia Lorenzo: Miss Colorado 2021 and Miss USA 2021 Contestant

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