
Eduardo Santamarina and Mayrn Villanueva’s romantic snow vacation

Eduardo Santamarina and Mayrn Villanueva’s couple is one of the most popular among Internet users because of all the moments they share. The soap opera heartthrob, on the other hand, had to wait years to be with his wife. To learn more about their romance, watch the video below.

The Mexican actor showed how much he adores his wife Mayrn Villanuena, and social media was there to witness it.

Several celebrities use the winter season to travel to snowy destinations, such as Eduardo Santamarina and Mayrn Villanueva, who decided to take a break from the city to contemplate the Colorado landscape, where the couple declared their love and were happy.

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The 53-year-old actor used the frame he had in the background to share a hugged-up image of Mayrn.

Eduardo Santamarina and Mayrn Villanueva

Eduardo Santamarina, who took part in La Desalmada, dedicated a few words to his wife, and both received numerous compliments. The soap opera heartthrob was overcome with emotion as he expressed his feelings for the protagonist of Si Nos Dejan.

Fans of both were quick to congratulate them on the family they had formed over the years.

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