
Vera Mekuli Instagram video leaked – NYPD cop lap dance video: grinds on boss

Vera Mekuli NYPD cop lap dance Instagram: After performing an obscene lap dance for her boss in a bar, a new New York police officer quickly rose to prominence. It has now been confirmed that a police rookie performed a vulgar lap dance for her lieutenant at a party in New York City.

Vera Mekuli Instagram video leaked – NYPD cop lap dance video

Vera Mekuli, 26, joined the New York Police Department in February and was seen rubbing up against Lieutenant Nick McGary in a Bronx bar last Thursday.

Vera Mekuli worked as a real estate agent in New York before joining the New York Police Department, according to the “Daily Mail.”

According to the New York Post, Vera Mekuli described herself as a “proactive and determined person” in her now-deleted LinkedIn profile.

“I usually go after what I want and won’t stop until I get it.” If I do not succeed. “I pick myself up and try again,” her LinkedIn profile says.

“There is no such thing as success without failure.” I realized at a young age that success/wealth/opportunity are not given to you, but must be earned through hard work and time invested.

vera mekuli

“I have completed every task and overcome every challenge that has been set before me.” I enjoy assisting others and always put others ahead of myself.”

Ms Mekuli has also formally apologized to the wife of the lieutenant who was quite upset with her after the incident.

Ms. Mekuli is a Bronx native who attended John Jay College of Criminal Justice on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.

She was unable to be reached immediately after the obscene video was made public.

Her father, John Meculi, told the New York Post on Monday that the ordeal had left her “disappointed.”

“She said, ‘Dad, I made some mistakes,'” he explained. “‘I’m deeply ashamed of what I did. ‘I humiliate you and my family.'”

“She cried and cried,” her father went on to say. “She’s quite young… Lieutenant, he’s married. He should have known better. “I’m going to sue them.”

According to the “Washington Post,” Lieutenant McGary was immediately transferred to the Bureau of Transportation following high-level investigations into this passionate video.

There was no disciplinary action taken against the rookie cops.

On Wednesday, a man slammed the door of a reporter at Mekulis’ Bronx address.

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