Bandra-girl Erika Packard is the daughter of former Bollywood baddie Gavin Packard. She was discovered by an agency on the streets of Bandra while veggie shopping with her mother

Nidhi Sunil is law student-turned model started out as a Kingfisher Calendar girl. This dusky damsel has been the cover girl of many a fashion publication including Vogue and Elle.

Angela Jonsson is a part Indian-part Icelandic model who won the Kingfisher Calendar Model hunt in 2011. Angela Jonsson was born and raised in Chennai.

Ashika Pratt returned beauty came back to the country because she wanted to check out the modeling scene here and has since went on to become the most popular face in the industry.

Elena Fernandes has appeared in tons of editorials and runways, and is also now planning to foray into Bollywood. This beauty with brains has a law degree from King’s College London .

British babe Amy Jackson is quite a well-renowned face in the Tamil and Telugu industry, having done more than 4 films down south.

It has only been 3 years for this Bong beauty in the modeling industry and Rikee is already making a lot of noise. Rikee moved to Bangalore to pursue her chosen career.

 Paloma Monnappa an actor-model by day, a DJ at night, and when all this is not enough to keep her busy, she’s also a surfer part time. Paloma also has a Malyalam film to her credit.

Neelam Gill a London native but actually has the distinction to be the first Indian face of uber luxury brand Burberry. What’s more? She’s only 19! Go figure.

Carla Dennis is a South-African native, Carla packed her bags and moved to India to make her modeling career flourish, and we’re only glad! She has appeared in many ads